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Wells Along the Way

“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation.” With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. (Isaiah 12:2-3)

Though the struggles are real, and the deserts are desolate, there will aways be a promise from the Lord. There are some moments in our lives that steals away the peace that brings us comfort, the joy that brings us hope, and the resolute determination that strengthens us from the inside out, drawing from God's rest. (Hebrews 4:9-11)

Hardships in our lives may manifest wilderness experiences that can sometimes make us feel drained and empty, with a pessimistic view and limited hope for relief. However, we need to see beyond these surface challenges and draw from the inner source of living waters.

Divine Pathways: Navigating Dry Experiences with God

Throughout history, God has consistently provided a path through challenging situations. Today, He continues to create new routes during our difficult and barren times, guiding us through our desert-like moments--providing a refreshing all along the way. (Isaiah 43:16-19)

Salvation is commonly perceived as a singular event when we initially believe in Christ and He delivers us completely from our sins, guilt, and shame. Nevertheless, salvation is an ongoing process in our lives, actively happening in the present moment, not just in the past. (1 Corinthians 1:18)

By seeking to understand the work of salvation as a continuous process, we can gain a deeper insight into the idea of "Many Wells, Not One Well" as a progression in our faith journey. Isaiah 12:3 says, "With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation" (not the well).

It is imperative to understand the ongoing process of drawing water from "the wells", because during the dry journeys of our lives having wells to draw from available at the beginning and a well at the end of the wilderness experience just won't do!

It is crucial to have wells on our journey! If we fail to understand this essential truth, the dry seasons will be our downfall. God is our salvation, and therefore, wells must be available along the way. These wells represent the moments in our lives when we require God the most, when ordinary water cannot satisfy our thirst, when even natural water tastes bitter to our souls. There is never a place or time when God is not prepared to meet us and deliver us from all our troubles.

How can we guarantee the presence of this well of water in our lives all along the way instead of a cup, bowl or a bucket?

  1. Salvation is God's appointed oases through our wilderness experiences provides a way of escape, but we must make drawing and drinking from our own well of salvation a priority everyday.

    1. Through spiritual disciplines such as prayer, meditating on God's Word, reading the Bible, stillness, resting in His Presence, fasting.

    2. Knowledge that a well is self-replenishing: a bowl or a bucket is not. We must ensure our spiritual wells never run dry. Dryness is crippling--dryness produces a dependence on others to fill our bowls, buckets, or cups.

    3. The wells of salvation are so deep and so many--its sustaining power will empower us as we journey through the wilderness.

  2. The pathways of the wilderness experience may lead to different places, but remaining hopeful that God has wells everywhere will sustain us along the way.

    1. Wherever God leads or allows, remain steadfast and unmovable, encouraged and hopeful.

    2. Be encouraged because God has well-digging power and He will dig wells in any desert situation for you!

    3. Remember, God is your salvation and He will be with you until the end of the age!

Stay encouraged! Drink abundantly each day. Keep drinking without ceasing. Keep drawing from the well of salvation!

*Photo Credit (Felicia Alston Captures 2024)

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