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Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Many of us have journeyed the distance of 2023 thus far with many accomplishments, some setbacks, a few trials and tests, and some heartaches and disappointments. Regardless of how each of us may categorize or compartmentalized the things that we have encountered this year, I want to remind you that God is not finished yet—so don’t throw in the towel! Don’t give up, don’t turn your back on the things God has promised you. Because what He has promised—He can and will perform it. (Romans 4:21 KJV).

Do you truly know that God is able to perform absolutely everything? Are you fully persuaded? It takes faith for one to be fully persuaded that God is able to do just what He promised.

We must be focused and diligent in our work to please God on a daily basis. I realize that the enemy throws things in the way to hinder progress; however, he cannot stop what God has blessed. Sometimes it gets a little difficult to keep moving in the midst of adversity; but we all MUST remember that faith without works will never produce the harvest in our lives that God has promised.

So, it is imperative to keep praying, keep pressing, keep reading the word, don’t forget to assemble with other believers of like precious faith, keep believing!

While at times it may seem like what we are praying for will never come to pass, we have to keep praying. It may seem like the business is never going to really prosper; however, we must know in our hearts that if God promised it would survive--we must put in the work to keep building and believing.

It may appear that no one is on our side, we must realize that there are more with us than against us (2 Kings 6:16 NCV).

When things just don’t seem to be going in the right direction it can bring more heartbreak and disillusionment; however, we must remember that we are more than conquerors through Him. (Romans 8:31-39 NKJV)

When those times arrive that are meant to discourage, and they will–just don’t quit! Remember, it’s all part of the process! It is in times of discouragement that we must stir ourselves up by remembrance and speak life into the spirit of doubt and unbelief because things are not always the way they appear.

We must encourage ourselves in the Lord! (1 Samuel 30:6 KJV)

We must look through the eyes of faith to know that realizing the promises that God has made–takes a process! Webster defines process as a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. With this definition in mind, let’s look at Philippians 1:6. Paul says, “I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6 NRSV)

Paul was fully convinced that what God had promised, He was able to accomplish! Paul had no doubt that God would continue in the Philippians what He had began to do within them. As a matter of fact, he was sure that God would work in them until the day of Christ Jesus!

The very fact that God cannot lie makes it all the more worth it to go the distance! 

He will not leave us unfinished or unfulfilled—but, it is a team effort. Not only do we need to trust the process, we each have a responsibility to fight the good fight of faith, knowing that most days our best efforts will still come up short. But through humility and a repentant heart God will see our need for His help and He will provide grace when we need it. God is at work to will and to work for His good pleasure.

He is a very present help! Hallelujah! 

Trusting the Process might seem to some a cliché…but TRUSTING in GOD is necessary as part of the journey, a part of a larger process that would lead to winning.

--Jesus is Lord

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