I wonder how exponentially our lives would grow and expand for the Kingdom if only we all could become increasingly aware of God's desire to be good to us. The word "realize" in its root form is to bring into existence, to make or cause to become real (Webster), and it brings with it the sense of understanding clearly and comprehending the reality of something.
Now on the other hand, to fully realize how blessed we are requires faith, diligence, resilience, and patience. These necessary traits would equip you and I along the journey as we wait in expectancy for God to fulfill our dreams and to deliver on His promises. For example, if I am a writer and I dream of writing a best selling novel, I must first write the book, locate an editor, and a publisher to assist me in creating the final product. There must be a seed planted within me as a writer that this dream can be realized, and as such, I would keep writing until the completed book can be found on a bookshelf with millions of copies sold, and then the full realization of the dream occurs. I would become that best selling author--the full realization of that dream would become a reality.
I truly believe that to realize how blessed we are means to be thankful in all things, and to depend on God through ALL the ups and downs of life. Paul put it this way, "I am not complaining about having too little. I have learned to be satisfied with whatever I have." (Philippians 4:11 CEV)
For one to know how blessed they are in every experience, they must be thankful for what they do have, and to be as equally thankful for the things that they do not have in their possession. There is typically a learning curve to employing the contentment skillset in our daily living. We must be content (in a state of peaceful happiness) because it would diminish the threat of being controlled by circumstances. And this posture would produce the full realization of where the joy level comes, because true joy does not depend on external circumstances! Hallelujah!
I pray that you and I would come into the full realization each and every day in knowing that we are blessed. We are blessed to prosper and blessed to succeed. Contentment means that because we trust God in ALL things, we can focus on the manifestation of God at work in our lives each and every moment. This strong focus on God produces an awareness of His Presence in all that we do, thus creating within us the full realization of just how blessed we are. Hallelujah!
--Jesus is Lord