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A Note to Myself

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

Come close and allow me to let you in on a conversation that I have with myself. I talk to myself in this manner because I realize that I'm the best cheerleader that I'm ever going to have. I speak Words of Faith to myself so that I can stay in this race, because I know that I need ever increasing faith to make it from day to day! Hallelujah!

Listen, it isn't good to self-sabotage. There are so many things that we meet head on each day that is sent by the enemies camp to wipe us out, to devour us, and to downright annihilate our existence. So speak kindly to yourself, write yourself a little note and place it where you can glance at it all throughout the day. Because our words have power.

Besides, if you don't speak good to yourself, be good to yourself, and write yourself love letters--then don't expect anyone else to do it either!

So, here is my note to self.

Felicia (Your Name), remember all things really are working together for your good. Even when it does not appear to be moving in your favor, God is always at work making crooked places straight, closing doors that should have never been opened, and opening your eyes to see the doors that are open. As a matter of fact, you know that God is consistently strengthening you to walk away from closed doors, and giving you the courage and confidence to boldly go through the doors that He has opened just for you! God knows exactly what He is doing in your life, and He is not confused about what's happening in your life.

So, just remember to keep your mind stayed on Jesus. Don't be double minded and keep focused on the things that are important, true, just, and holy. Especially those things that are praiseworthy, so that you can give God the glory!

Have fun. Laugh a while. Remember that you matter too. Take care of your business. Check on your friends. Love your family. Do all these things in spite of it all.

Have faith...

Because sometimes your faith in The Lord just might be the only little thing that's working together for your good, and your faith at work will explode one day into something spectacularly amazing.

Keep the faith... Trust God. Trust in God. Hold tight...

Because due season is always gonna come if you just don't faint.

Now give yourself a hug. Tell yourself that you love you... Most importantly, tell God all day everyday that you love Him. Thank God for Jesus. And pay attention to the Comforter, because He will tell you things that you have no idea about.

Keep dreaming. Never stop praying. And remember--Hope does not disappoint.


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